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Welcome To My R/C Page

Thanks for coming by, this site will be completely about R/C and R/C related stuff. I am new to the R/C hobby but I was hooked right from the start. Currently the only truck I own is the Duratrax Evader and I'm very happy with it. I have only painted 2 bodies for it so far but I'm currently working on number 3 and will post the pictures as soon as I'm done.
So feel free to check out the links at the top of this page and enjoy.

Want to See Your Car or Truck Here?

If you would like to see your car or truck in the gallery just send me a picture using the email button at the bottom of the page. Be sure to include what kind of car/truck it is and any hop-ups you want listed with it.

If you see your car/truck on one of my pages and you don't want it there just email me and it will be removed immediatly.

Duratrax Evader ST
Here's a picture of my Duratrax Evader with new HPI MT Mesh Wheels and Pro-Line Tires.

Tips, Tricks & Recomendations

If you have any tips, tricks or recomendations you would like to submit to this site that you feel might be benificial to others send me an email and I will be more then happy to post them.


02/11/02: Added Bodies 4 Sale Page.
02/06/02: Added New Pics of my Evader to My Truck Page.
02/03/02: Added Best of the Best Page.
01/20/02: Added more pics and Painting Tips Page.

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