Painting Tips
I personally have only painted 2 bodies(I'm working on my 3rd). In no way am I claiming to be some kind of an expert, I just thought since I really enjoy painting I would share some of the tips I've learned so far. Also you will find links to some other sites which contain a much more indepth look into painting.
1st Paint Job
This is my first ever attempt at painting. It's a Ford F-350 body from HPI.
Painting Instructions
1) Wash the inside of the body. use dish soap and warm water. if you dont the paint will not stick well and could flake off. 2) Decide on a design. draw it on the outside of the body. 3) Place paint can in warm water for 5 minutes before painting and be sure to shake the can well. 4) Apply the included window masks inside the body. using good quality masking tape or a "liquid mask", apply the masking following your desing on the inside of the body. you should paint DARKEST COLORS FIRST. 5) Let each thin coat of paint dry for about 15 minutes before applying another. usually three light coats is good. 6) After you finish painting, remove the window masks and pull the overspray film off of the ouside of the body. 7) Add decals
Painting Articles
RC Tech Article Written by HauntedMyst 4 Fast Finishes Written by Bob Hastings
Pre-Painted Bodies
Moskito WOW...check out his gallary, INCREDIBLE. Cosmo Graphics Quality work for a decent price J.S.Bodies Nice Work. Winning Edge Designs Very Nice Work.
2nd Paint Job
This is my second attempt at painting. It's an HPI NMT-1 body.